My courses focus on your needs:
We don't follow a book, repeating things you already mastered or neglecting topics you need to focus on
thanks to indiviual care, you don't get left behind in a big group
your curriculum is designed individually to your needs and adjusted to your pace of learning
My courses are communicative:
you will be the person leading the conversations, I'll be there to give you feedback
you won't receive long and dry monologues on grammar rules, but experience a lively and vivid language
teaching language always includes storytelling, cultural insights and role-play – all depending on what you prefer
I'm here for you outside of lessons:
You'll get supervision through correction of homework and individual feedback in your learning diary
You'll get help reflecting on your learner's type and support on identifying your exact goals – if needed
If you need help with your text production, check out my offers for writing consulting. Maybe you're also open to creative writing techniques that may help you improve your ability to express yourself through writing? I will gladly give you an insight into the field of creative writing.